Free Chapter Selection

The following are samples from Larry Fox’s books, which we hope you’ll enjoy reading. The books are available wherever books and ebooks are sold.

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A Biblical Perspective of Self-Defense and Civil Disobedience

This is a two-part Bible study of these very controversial social issues. The goal is to move past people’s opinions, discover relevant biblical principles and consider how they apply in our modern culture.
Read Excerpt

Making the Transition: Becoming the Unique Person God Created You to Be

This is a self-contained workbook designed to help you identify the unique character God gave you. It reveals specific ways sin corrupted your character and how God will redeem it, enabling you to fulfill your life purpose.
Read Chapter: “Teaching”

Royal Partners: Learning to Work with God

This is a Bible study that examines how the cooperative, interdependent relationship we have with God enables us to work beyond our ability and produce extraordinary results.
Read Chapter: “God’s Strategy”