“Making the Transition” Workshop

— Not Currently Available —

However, the manual is a complete workshop with all the forms and guidelines you need. Link to the manual. Link to additional online copy of the worksheets.

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Book-Cover-Making-the-TransitionHow can you become the unique person God created you to be?
You can make the transition. We will show you how.

This workshop is based on the book Making the Transition


Brief Description


Review by a Workshop participant

Comments about the Workshop’s value

Comments on personal impact

What the participants learned about themselves

Comments on the material content

Comments on the presentation

Ministry results

A note to pastors

Print a copy of the Character Analysis from the manual.

Brief Description

Are you trying to understand why you act the way you do? Do you want to serve God but find it hard to serve him the way others do? How can you know what God’s will is for your life? Making the Transition Workshop can help you find answers to these questions and more.

This workshop will help you identify the unique personality God gave you and discover how to become like Christ. Becoming a godly Christian is as unique to you as your personality.

At this workshop, you will:

  • Discover how your aptitudes, tendencies and interests work together to make you who you are.
  • Recognize the effects of sin on your character.
  • Identify ways God redeems your character.
  • Discover the best ways to use your God-given abilities at work, at home and at church.
  • Create a personal strategy to develop and use your character most effectively.

Workshop topics include: God, the creator of diversity; how sin perverted God’s creation; why redemption is unique for each person; your God-given aptitudes, tendencies and compelling interests; the unique role of each believer. Also included: small group session and personal strategy session.


At the end of the workshop, participants have an opportunity to rate it and provide feedback. Here are the current ratings, based on a scale of zero to four:

  • Material Content: 3.7
  • Presentation: 3.5
  • Personal Impact: 3.1

Most of the participants had taken other spiritual gifts and personality assessments, so these ratings are very positive and reflect the workshop’s value.

Review by a Workshop Participant

“In the Fall of 1996, our staff attended the Workshop taught by Larry. To be quite honest, I wasn’t exactly thrilled at first. My attitude was, ‘I have been there, done that, don’t need to do it again.’ I never seemed to ‘fit’ when I took these classes and I wasn’t interested in taking yet another one.

“Little did I know that this was the beginning of a journey. As a result of the Workshop, I fully began to understand that my abilities can be used effectively in communicating the message of Jesus Christ, and to persuade and encourage others in a positive way in ministry.

“The Workshop helped me to accept who I am in Jesus Christ and that it is okay to be who I am. I feel more comfortable in the role that God has called me to. I know that I am where He wants me to be and that is a very satisfying feeling.” — Carolyn

Comments about the Workshop’s value

  • “The rest of the world needs to hear this!”
  • “[Larry’s] commitment is inspiring.”
  • “This has been amazing!”
  • “I couldn’t believe how quickly the time went. It was so interesting, the time flew by.”
  • “Excellent! Excellent! Excellent!”
  • “An eye-opener!”
  • “Very helpful!!”
  • “The introduction regarding sin was the most powerful to me. It got my attention – FAST.”
  • “I now have some tools to move toward a more rewarding and God-centered life.”
  • “This workshop is a must for any Christian hungry to serve the Lord and understand God’s call on his/her life. Understanding the character God has given us from a biblical perspective destroys so many of the lies the enemy tries to tell us!”
  • “I really can’t see how [the workshop] could be improved; it was enlightening, inspiring and time passed too fast.”
  • “This kind of study is essential to knowing your strengths and weaknesses, and finding your place in life.”

Comments on personal impact

  • “I’ve often said there’s nothing special about me and God won’t use someone like me. I no longer believe that!”
  • “I was seriously praying about whether to change jobs, but now I know I’m where I should be.”
  • “I’m more open to how God wants to use me.”
  • “My mind is racing from all this info. It will take a little time to process and understand.”
  • “I’ve been greatly encouraged.”
  • “I was blown away! I have learned a lot about myself and this will help me to be a better servant to God and [my] church.”
  • “It’s humbled me to see the subtlety of sin in my life and motivations.”
  • “Renewed my sense of purpose.”
  • “Parts have ‘blown me away.’ Some things in my life have been clarified.”
  • “I feel so much more energized and useful.”
  • “I’m never too old to learn!”
  • “I now have ideas on how to more effectively use my aptitudes and tendencies.”
  • “It’s OK to be different and it doesn’t change my ‘value.’ We all have unique gifts and I can feel content with who I am.”
  • “I feel more focused on the work that the Lord has for me to do. Thank you!”
  • “I’m hearing God! In the group session I received confirmation for what I’m doing and what God has already burdened my heart for. I feel more accepting of myself and more free to go where God is sending me.”
  • “I feel more positive about myself and my abilities.”

What the participants learned about themselves

  • “Thought I knew myself quite well after [taking several] personality tests, but this has taught me more.”
  • “I never would have picked the aptitude of apostleship, but when I read the chapter, I became excited.”
  • “Even some of the things about me I thought were insignificant and unimportant have a purpose.”
  • “Being an introvert is not a bad thing.”
  • “I learned surprising things about myself and why I felt failure in certain parts of my Christian walk.”
  • “I’m what God needs just as I am. I don’t have to be something God hasn’t made me to be to do his work.”
  • “What was really eye-opening to me were the definitions of the three ‘perversions.’ Recognized some real areas of needed improvement.”
  • “Everyone has something to offer God.”
  • “It’s okay to be me. I am unique, no apologies needed!”
  • “I had never thought of [my tendencies and aptitudes] from God’s intended purpose!”
  • “I actually have a place. I know now that there is nothing mentally wrong with me — an introvert, shy, and do not like to get involved with a large crowd.”
  • “I now have an idea of what God wants me to do, as well as a plan on how to start.”
  • “Sin has corrupted my character in more ways than I had imagined.”
  • “I am assured that my life in Christ is on track and the change needed is not so much quantity, but quality.”
  • [I learned] “not to impose my thoughts, opinions and ideas on others, and why they don’t react as I think they should.”
  • “My desire to help others become whole and mature … is a gift from the Lord.”
  • “My ministry isn’t inadequate in comparison to others just because it doesn’t fit a stereotype of what ministry is. I feel better realizing that my gifts are equally important and necessary.”
  • [I learned] “why I get frustrated with myself concerning some aspects of my character. Now I realize some of these areas are how my character is perverted.”
  • “God created me unique and different for his purpose and I am perfectly suited for his plan for my life.”
  • “I have some hidden strengths that I need to work on to bring out. I need to get on the ball and give my talents to the Lord!”
  • “I’m not a bad person. Sin perverts character God intends for good. I need to learn how to focus on God’s plan for proper use of my character.”
  • “Working behind the scenes is important, too.”
  • “Being an introvert is not bad.”

Comments on the material content

  • “When I read the material [about my aptitude], I was looking for my photograph at the top of the page.”
  • “The layout and design of the information is most impressive.”
  • “Excellent insight. I appreciate how clear and direct it was.”
  • “Intense!”
  • “Relevant to everyday life and ministry.”
  • “The workbook design and layout are excellent!”
  • “There is a wealth of insight and new ways of looking at things. I learned more the second time.”
  • “It was all worthwhile, very informative and helpful.”
  • “The information was excellent.”
  • “Never seen anything as thorough as this material. It ties many aspects of character studies into a useful and comprehensive package. Actually suggests ‘redemption’ opportunities.”
  • “It’s well organized and different than any I’ve seen on the subject.”
  • “A lot of information … to consider and digest.”
  • “Very full and yet presented in an orderly way, so we could gain understanding and use it, too.”

Comments on the presentation

  • “Very knowledgeable and interesting.”
  • “The exercises at the end put it all together.”
  • “It was easy to follow.”
  • “Loved the way you presented info clearly and stayed on task.”
  • “Simple and to the point. Just how I like it!”
  • “Professional, easy to follow.”
  • “Awesome teacher! Good time management. Thank you very much.”
  • “The visual aids made the time fly by.”
  • “Working in small groups really helped me get positive feedback from people I didn’t even know.”
  • “Was concise and informative. Kept my attention the whole time.”
  • “Larry . . . broke down the information in ways I could apply personally.”
  • “Larry did an outstanding job! He knew the subject and material that he was teaching.”
  • “Excellent job. Particularly when you made your character visible to show how the materials impacted your life.”
  • “The material is excellent and you do an excellent job of presenting it. It’s interesting from start to finish and you are the one in a million who has the gift of keeping things moving right along.”
  • “I feel each session built on the previous one. The teaching was insightful. I thought [examining Larry’s character as an example] was a great way to see the workshop pulled together.”
  • “Your humor was fun, too.”
  • “The entire presentation was wonderful!”
  • “I thought the presentation was excellent. Something everyone in the church could benefit from.”

Ministry Results

Pastor Wayne Mancari, when he was Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Assembly of God in Richmond, Virginia, my home church, reviewed the feedback sheets of Cornerstone people who had attended Making the Transition. Based on his knowledge of people’s involvement in ministry, he compiled the following data.

  • The pastor was aware of 146 Cornerstone people’s ministry involvement before and after they attended the workshop. Others attended, but the pastor did not include their results due to lack of information.
  • 111 (76%) were involved in some form of ministry after the workshop; some of these were involved before the workshop. Pastor reports that in many cases, the workshop provided insight or direction that helped people find places of effective ministry, or confirmed what they were already considering.
  • 63 of the 111 (57% of those now involved in ministry) were in ministry leadership after the workshop. Pastor defined ministry leadership as having sole responsibility and/or providing direction; this includes Sunday School class, care group, children’s church, outreach and other ministries.
  • 3 of the 63 entered or returned to full-time ministry after the workshop.
  • Another 3 of the 63 entered training for full-time ministry after the workshop.

In some cases, the workshop was very instrumental in people’s ministry decisions. For example, a man from Cornerstone became a missionary to India. After his first term, he was home on furlough and was so discouraged he was considering quitting missions work. He attended the workshop and it was instrumental in his decision to return to India, where he continues to serve several years later.

Another example is a woman who had been around missionaries much of her life and worked for a missions organization, so she never gave serious thought to her interest in missions. She was deeply involved in music and even served as Minister of Music at another church before coming to Cornerstone. When she attended the workshop, she realized her interest in missions was more than casual, that missions was more important to her than music. She has since assumed leadership of Cornerstone’s missions committee. These are just two of the people who found the workshop very helpful in identifying God’s will for their lives.

A Note to Pastors

From Wayne Mancari, former Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Assembly of God

“What do growing churches really do differently? In a study of growing churches around the world titled Natural Church Development, one of the characteristics was a ‘gift-oriented ministry in which church leadership helps its members identify their gifts and integrates them into ministries that match their gifts.’ We have found that to be true at Cornerstone. As people have discovered and used their spiritual gifts, they have moved into useful service that has brought personal fulfillment for them as an individual and corporate growth for us as a congregation. I highly recommend this workshop as a practical tool with strong Biblical foundations and effective practical applications to move church attenders who are observers and consumers into being participators and contributors in your local church.”